Classythemeplugin was unvalidated product, Click here to support us International Conference on Economic Business and Social Science 2024-04-18T08:20:18+00:00 Aen Fariah Open Journal Systems <p>International Conference on Economic Business and Social Science</p> Civil Responsibilities Badan Usaha Nilik Negara (BUMN) Surveillance Bodies Faced With Damages in The Context of Civil Corruption 2024-04-02T09:22:05+00:00 Asepte Ginting Elwi Danil Detania Sukarja Marlina Marlina <p>The legal body is a terminology that is closely related to the right person, and the legal body itself is a closely connected terminology with the field of civil law. The research used to answer the question in this study is a combination of normative law research and empirical law research. Approaches that can be applied in research are case approaches, legal approach, conceptual approaches and historical approaches. As for the discussion that will be analyzed in this study on how the fulfilment of the elements of criminal responsibility to the supervisory body and how the corporate criminal responsibilities and the responsibility of the supervisor body are separated. The results of this study show that there is criminalization of the Supervisory Body in the event of the loss of the BUMN and this is a Tool of Social Engineering in order to raise the awareness of the oversight body so that the supervision function to the direction in conducting the management of the BUMN can be implemented as it should.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Economic Business and Social Science Preventive Resin Restoration in Child Patients:A Serial Case Report 2024-04-17T03:12:43+00:00 Laelia Dwi Anggraini Rifqi Mutia Zahwa Eva Febrian Saputri <p>Dental caries is a significant global health challenge today because the pits and fissures in teeth provide an ideal place for bacteria and substrates that trigger caries. Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR) is an effective secondary prevention solution to stop the development of caries lesions. In the first case, a 4 year old girl complained of black lower right back teeth. The planned maintenance is IEC, PRR, and periodic control. The second case involved a 13 year old girl who complained of a white spot on her lower right back tooth. In this case, PRR Type A was chosen as the appropriate treatment. PRR, which involves using resin to fill damaged tooth tissue and sealing pits and fissures with a sealant, has been proven effective in restoring caries in these areas and preventing further progression. There are three different types of PRR (Type A, Type B, and Type C), with resin-based sealant being one of the main materials used because of its good retention resistance. The use of PRR is not only effective in treating caries cases, but also as a preventive measure to prevent pit and fissure caries in the future. It is important to follow the treatment protocol systematically, undergo regular check-ups, and maintain dental hygiene to ensure the success of the restoration and prevent further caries. Thus, PRR is an efficient and effective solution in the management of dental caries and prevention of related oral health problems.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Economic Business and Social Science The Influence of Social Media Marketing Activities Instagram on The Purchase Intention of Ultra Milk Products 2024-04-18T08:20:18+00:00 Vania Amelia Riski Taufik Hidayah <p>Packaged beverages, including liquid milk, are widely favored among Indonesians for their convenience and accessibility, with Ultra Milk being a notable brand. Despite a sales surge in the third quarter of 2023, Ultra Milk's standing in the Top Brand Award has declined over the past two years. To explore this trend, the author examines the impact of Instagram's Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) on Ultra Milk's purchase intention. This quantitative study employs structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS) analysis using SmartPLS 4.0, with 100 respondents chosen through purposive sampling based on specific criteria. Questionnaires were distributed via Google Forms. The findings reveal a positive association between SMMA and brand equity. Moreover, brand equity positively influences electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM), which subsequently affects customer purchase intention. Additionally, SMMA has a direct impact on customers' purchase intentions. These insights shed light on the role of social media marketing in shaping consumer behavior towards Ultra Milk.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Conference on Economic Business and Social Science